Sunday, November 9, 2008

Angora Speaks!

We're going into the studio this week to record the actors for the Angora Napkin pilot! We have some amazing talent for this show, it's going to be a riot!

I've recently graduated from my trusty Intuos 2 with the 4X3 workspace to a 20WS Cintiq for the project. I never believed I'd be able to draw comfortably on a computer but WOW! Night and day - especially drawing in Flash. The shot above was one of the first I cleaned up in Flash, with very little messing around with nodes and smoothing. I'm a happy cat.


Unknown said...

Fantastic! Very excited to see this project come to life.

dcmackinlay said...

Dirty Zombies!

Unknown said...

My drawing might not be worthy of a Cintiq of that stature, but a 12WS is the first thing I'm saving up for once I can find me a steady income.