Monday, October 10, 2011

Angora Napkin: Page 56

Up here in the far North (Canada) we celebrate what the US calls "Canadian Thanksgiving". It's pretty much the same as our kissin' cousins from the south except we all dress up as Martin Frobisher and eat Chinese take-out.

And in the spirit of giving thanks - Thank YOU for being such awesome fans! You- the legion of dedicated 'Serviettes' help keep me motivated to make more Angora Napkin comics! Keep spreading the love thick like Nutella on toast and I'll keep making them funnies!

and May All Your Syrups Be Maple.
(Ancient Canadian saying)


Bren said...

mmm... nutella toast

A Koszis said...

Aw darn. I just looked and it seems we are completely out of nutella. Now my Thanksgiving will only be a shallow dream of what it could have been.

Unknown said...

I think we should be thinking you for inspiring us. As an artist myself, I find it difficult sometimes to summon my creative prowess. But reading Angora Napkin every week keeps my optimistic that everything will work out.

Troy Little said...

Thanks Charles! :D

Nutella for all!!!